Monday, December 29, 2008
I Believe in Angels
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Seventh Anniversary
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sewing Projects
Thursday, December 11, 2008
December Already!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Baby Shower!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
This Thanksgiving I'm Thankful For...

We've been tagged by JennyMark! Here's h
The Rules:
go to Your Pictures file
go to the 5th folder
open up the 5th picture and post it
then tag 5 people when you are done
Many of "my readers" do not have a blog...but those of you who do...I tag Patty, Mary M., David A., Wes K., and Margery E. No tagbacks!
Friday, November 21, 2008
November Getaway Part II: Richmond
We arrived in
Monday we checked out of our motel and headed out to take in some of the sights in
After that we strolled down
Sweet tooth sated we headed for
From there we headed off to
and I spent the time mostly relaxing with knitting projects and my mp3 player. It was wonderful retreat and time of rest. Thursday I wasn’t quite ready to head home but was glad that I didn’t need another two days to recover from our vacation.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
November Getaway Part I: NY-Washington, DC
I’ve found that two marks of a good vacation are 1) you are ready to go home and 2) you don’t feel you need a vacation to recover from your vacation. While I can’t honestly say that I’m ready to be home, I do feel refreshed and that I won’t need to “recover” from this time away.
We ran away on Thursday of last week and spent the evening with Emrys’ mom and family friends for dinner. It was a wonderful time of delicious food and story-telling. Friday we meandered down to the Reston, VA area and visited with a couple we knew in passing while we were at Fuller and since have connected with recently over topics of life, family and new babies that are expected within weeks of each other. It was a wonderfully relaxed drive and we ended up in a shopping mall so I could walk out the kinks in my back and so we could finish up some Christmas shopping.
After a wonderful evening of visiting and a great night’s sleep we were off to do some sight-seeing in
Any-who, we met up with one of Emrys’ friends from McGill for lunch then it was off to wander the town. I tried to keep up but ended up crying “uncle”. Carrying around the Kid in the belly took a lot more energy than I planned on. So I hiked it from the train station, to lunch, to the White House
to the
and to the Vietnam Memorial.
I didn’t spend much time closely inspecting the sights. Instead, I’d sit in the middle, soak up the warm fall day and the sights, while Emrys went off to do the close inspection and photos.
The warm fall day gave way to a crazy down-pour that was kind enough to start while I was making one of my many restroom stops. So we waited for it to pass and wandered through the drizzle to the
and geology (lots of really cool formations).
By the time we were finished with those exhibits, I was done. So we headed for the train station (where Emrys took this photo of the Post Office building)
and took the train back to our car and headed south towards
Brie Burger
Note the vinyl picnic tablecloth and the vintage mid-century Coca-Cola poster peeking out behind Sara, both adding to the strange minimalist ambiance.