We’ve had a hectic week. We went to Fresno to visit with friends from Fuller and join with them as they baptized their daughter. It was a wonderful time of visiting and getting to know their families and of course spending time with Katie (2) & Emma (5 mo.). We got a good dose of little kids again- not as many in Lake City as there were running around our block in Pasadena. I had the chance to walk with Sarah as she trained for the marathon in January and also got to play a little bit of racquetball which was fun for me and amusing for Rob. We decided that my racquetball meets ballet technique is rather amusing. Hey, I can laugh at myself too!
We were bumped off of our original flight back into Gunnison on Tuesday and got to spend the night in Denver, did some shopping and in return, United Airlines hooked us up with hotel, meals and roundtrip tickets for future travels. Gotta love it! Wednesday we were in Gunnison for my CT scan, blood work and a quick run through the grocery store. The scan went well- the easiest one yet- praise God! I’ll go back to Durango in 2 weeks and see all my docs, get my port out and hopefully be on my way to being completely done with this chapter!
Much love and we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
How happy I feel with the news that your scan went well, Sara! Yours and Emrys' smiles are really beautiful and full of joy in the Lord. Great! I miss both of you so much! Happy Thanksgiving! TTN
What a great looking couple!
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