With the warm weather of spring entering our neck of the woods, I've been itching to get out and start walking again. Gwen's a great passenger in the MaiTai for shorter trips but for a good long walk, she's getting a bit heavy and hey, I'm old(er) and my knees don't need any extra challenges added to my exercise routine!
Enter answered prayer. It had been a desire of mine to have a good jogging stroller for walks. Anyone who has driven up our road knows that the standard stroller just wasn't going to cut it. When Gwen was about 3 weeks old, I was approched and asked if I could use a jogging stroller. YES! So today we received said stroller and I decided that since it was upwards of 50 degrees out we should try it out. So I bundled Gwen up and headed for the field behind our house.
There is a great trail in the field that is utilized by the farm trucks, four-wheelers and dirtbikes and is in pretty good shape. There was also a path around the far side of the field so that one could make a complete loop. We set out and I did great on the main trail and then did some off-roading to get around to where the other, smaller path was supposed to be. I got to the top of the ridge and saw that the field to the right had been plowed up and was a rutted mess, to the left, there were remnants of corn stalks that had been cut down but it looked like I could make it, so I plodded on. Somehow, at this point Gwen was snoozing despite the bumpy ride. I got a bit farther into the field to find that the section I was walking in that was un-plowed didn't make it back to the front of the field where the road is that comes out by our house. So now my sneakers are muddy and I've reached the limits of the off-roading stroller. So we turn around and head back to the house the way we came.
It was a great Sunday afternoon adventure and it was great just to be out. It's the most hiking/trudging I've done in a while and I have a feeling that I may be paying for it tomorrow!
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