So October is flying past us! I have been busy with
craft shows,
crochet and this little person, who is just as mischievous as this look would lead you to believe!

As she's working on getting on her feet we've entered the stage of booboos and bonks. Usually the cry is worse than the injury and the pride is the most hurt.

Most days have their fair share of smiles and fun as GBaby explores her developing personality. Although, having cut eight teeth in eight weeks, we've had our fair share of rough days too. My favorite new game is putting three or four finger foods on her high-chair tray and watching which ones take preference. Some days its the green beans, other days the cheerios win and since goldfish crackers are a new food of the week, they're getting a lot of preference.

GBaby and I spent a week with my parents so she got some quality time with Granny and Granddad. Here Granddad is teaching her about fall leaves. She wants the contract to do the taste testing.

Our days are full, our nights still interrupted but joy abounds.

1 comment:
she is seriously cute! looks like fun from here. :)
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