Wednesday, October 07, 2009


My profession carries with it the hazard of drowning in platitudes. Now, I must be clear that sometimes platitudes are desirable. They can smooth social interactions which, for reasons known only to one party or the other, might otherwise be uncomfortable. They have their place and are happy to be left there unattended.

It is perhaps the commonality of platitudes in my profession that makes events rising above the level of bland, generic affirmation such precious jewels to be held.

So many Sundays, after delivering to the congregation what I pray will always be an encouraging and insightful interpretation of a scriptural text, I receive a host of comments affirming the "good sermon" and "good service." This past Sunday, however, was different. I chose to render my sermon in poetic form, departing from my usual habits of logical and narrative flow. After the worship service, a high school age member of the congregation approached me and asked for a copy of the poem.

Never before has someone under the age of fifty asked me for a copy of a sermon manuscript, let alone someone in the high school age bracket. It is precisely this bracket that I often fear I am not reaching with my words.

So the Holy Spirit has done something wonderful this week: Victory!


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