. . . ever.

(Short of the First One, that is.)
This past Christmas Sara put a little red packet of wrapping paper in my stocking. I opened it up to find a thin slip of green paper with a number and a phrase: my first clue. I knew from that moment I was getting a taste of my own medicine: a clue-to-clue hunt. So I followed where the hints led me--to places at work, around the house, and to people we knew. About twenty-four clues in all I had to find, and beginning with number two, I received a puzzle piece with each clue.

The tension built as I assembled the puzzle. I knew that Sara was particularly excited about her gift to me this year, but I had not idea what it was. Even the fact that she had reserved two days in July on my calendar did not tell me what was up. All I figured was that it couldn't be something that required a plane flight (too short). Not much to go on. So I patiently put piece after piece together.
With only three pieces left, I could see that I was assembling a poem. The first three stanzas, with only one lacuna, I could read:
"Your daughter and I, we love you so much
We're so glad to make a fuss.
For the husband so dedicated and the dad so fine
To give a break away from the grind
For many years you've been a fan
To see them live, Wouldn't that be grand
In 2010 you'll have your chance
To see the whole show, not just a glance
Tickets were purchased, to give you admittance
To Meadowlands Stadium, really a pittance
For all the diapers, toilets, laundry and dishes
Without complaint you care for our wishes"

"So on July 19th you'll join the throngs
To hear played many favorite songs
So now to wait until we go
For a night away to see U2's show"
We're going to see U2 in July!
My wife rocks. And she's a poet and I didn't know it. So I hung her work of art up on the wall:

I saw them in 1998 (also as a gift) at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. Being college students, we had nose bleeder seats (though with U2's signature screens, we didn't lose much of the action). It was a cool show then, and I'm sure the boys from Dublin will live up to their reputation this year. Another reason to be excited about summer!
Sara out does herself once again...but I admit, I'm baffled by the clue "10. Stagnant couch". That's a whole 'nother post in itself.
Wow! this is a very good entry i like it. Will certainly visit your site more often. keep on posting.
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