Monday, April 28, 2008

Blogging as Weapon

This morning I read that a dear friend of mine, avid blogger with the job title "Digital Culture Evangelist," has officially employed her blog as a weapon. She called out in cyberspace an impassioned threat: Stop it, or I will blog about you!"

To see the full entry go to:

What began as a communication tool between those of like minds has now become not only a forum for debate but also a weapon to inflict cyber-wounds on the names and reputations of others.

Every human innovation eventually has a military use. Even blogging.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use my blog much more for promotion than for military uses, but I felt like it was the only tool left in my deck.

I'd called, I'd unsubscribed and they won't remove me from the list.

I did add a rule to my email inbox and now their emails are just deleted.