Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Procrastination takes on many forms for me.  Sometimes it takes the completely lazy approach: naps or TV instead of say, cleaning up my work room.  Some times it takes on shuffling non-important tasks, like weeding and re-arranging my pantry before the ones that really need to get done (like cleaning my work room).  Other days takes the form of kitchen productivity, like this afternoon I cranked out 6 dozen ready-to-bake cookies to the freezer and a gallon of fresh, homemade applesauce (with the coolest toy ever! another blog to follow), when I should have been... well you get the picture.  Now, here I sit, jotting this blog, when I should be cleaning up the kitchen. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right there with you, I spent 2 hrs watching tv but also sorting 2 bushels of socks, while avoiding the kitchen floor that was beyoud dirty.