Thanksgiving 2006 - Celebrating Family

October 2007 - Celebrating crops and being settled in a new home

October 2008 - Celebrating health and a new life...
...and my first "real" haircut in 3 years. The pony-tail is on its way to Locks of Love...
Have a great weekend! Celebrate what you have...
congratulations sara! i am so happy for you and thankful for this new phase in your life! praise God for his healing powers!
Sara Tyler! You make me cry! I'm so happy for you.. :)
PS we'd love to see some belly pics!!! :)
Sara, you just look absolutely fabulous and I LOVE your hair, short, long, or slightly spikey. :D Blow your belly a kiss for me and don't let Em roar at it anymore. (hahahaha!!! Rolled about that one!)
BTW - how many weeks are you now?
What a difference 3 years makes! Thanking God -- for you and for your health!
"Cancer-free" is one of the happiest adjectives in the English language. I'm so very happy for all three of you. I enjoyed having Emrys' Aunt Betsy and Uncle Charles, and even David Gray showed up for Sunday dinner. Congratulations again, peace, and love. -Jeanie Keller
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