We bought our home (well, we asked HSBC to buy it and let us pay them back over about 30 years) knowing that it needed some work. This is how it is with homeownership: from now on, there's always something needing to be done. We're embracing this fact of life.
One thing that needed to be done was to have the fascia boards replaced. Carpenter bees had made their home in many of the fascia planks, riddling the boards with holes. The paint was from the first coat in about 1992, so was pale and peeling. So we called our friends at Madison Vinyl, who always do such a great job, and asked them to give our house a face lift.
Here's the view from our living room as they peeled off the gutters:

Here they are approaching the front. In a future post, you'll see the transformation of that left picture window:

Here's a look at the old, tired fascia at the peak of the second floor:

And a close-up of the boards at the corner of the house. We had them replace any holey boards and cover the whole thing with vinyl fascia and soffit:

I seem to have misplaced the "after" pictures I took--it looks fabulous. We're always happy with Madison Vinyl's work. So I'll get those images in a future post, as well.
~ emrys
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