Thursday, January 22, 2009

Historical Fractal

I found a tidbit that hooked me today. I'll share this piece of analysis with you, but I'm going to take out the name of the body of which it speaks. I'm doing this not to protect the innocent (they have no need of that), but instead to inspire wonder, as I have felt, at how generally this description might apply. Here it is, with italicized portions representing adjustments for anonymity:

"The economic organization of the country had one goal—the enrichment of their heartland and in particular the seat of government. The leaders had no interest in the economic development of the outlying regions. So long as these conquered territories contributed annual tribute to the state treasury and remained submissive to their control, they were happy. But as time went on, the nonproductive element of the population of their heartland increased, and greater and greater demands were made on the outlying regions for supplies. This escalating oppressiveness increased economic hardship and engendered hatred of the country's rule. It is no exaggeration to say that the economies of the outlying regions of the country were gradually destroyed in order to prop up an artificial economy in the country. This economic circumstance was no small factor in the weakening and eventual fall of the country."

What name(s) could would you insert here? Did you add any in your thoughts as you were reading? If so, does this description reveal something about countries across time, that may be applied to many?

All right, here's my citation for the quote: Freedman, D. N. (1996, c1992). The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, "Mesopotamia, History of; History and Culture of Assyria, section I, "Socioeconomic Structure."

The nation originally referred to is the Assyrian Empire. I'm preaching on the book of Jonah, which has brought me to research the city of Nineveh and its parent, Assyria. What wonders one finds by digging!


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