I like to make pies. I'm not sure how this joy came about for me, though it may have something to do with the challenge of making pie dough just right (from scratch, of course). At any rate, I enjoy both the process and the product. What's more, I've noticed that others also enjoy the product, even when they don't enjoy the process so much.

I have also discovered that gratitude is a healthy discipline. This principle goes not only for one's attitude toward God, but also for one's attitude toward other people. Being thankful just plain improves one's quality of life and one's view of others. I could go into the whys and wherefores, but not today. This eve I'll just offer the observation that being grateful colors the world a bit brighter each day.

Somewhere along the line (after I discovered my joy for pie-making) I decided that for those who give me (or my family) gifts of service or favor, I would express my gratitude by making them a pie. It is the best of both worlds for all involved.

It has turned out quite well so far. It's fun to make pies, to deliver them, and to hear that folks are enjoying them. Furthermore, my pie-making skills are improving. (The peach pie pictured above only leaked a little filling, as opposed to the dripping cascades of ooze I usually leave behind in the oven.)

Of course, by entering this in the blog, I run the risk of receiving a host of favors from those hoping for pie.
Oh, well. I suppose there are worse fates to contemplate.
~ emrys
I like pie. Love, Mary
I would love to do you a pie-worthy favor, but alas 'tis hard to do at this distance.
I applaud your pie-making and your pie sharing and your attitude of gratitude!
Plus I believe we enjoyed the fruits of your labor last year when we visited -- even without doing you a wonderful favor!! :-)
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